OK, so I've decided to go a different direction here. I tried, I honestly did, to actually follow the whole vegan thing 100%, but it was proving too difficult for yours truly. I lack the necessary willpower for such a feat, I'll admit that. Currently about 50% of my meals ARE vegan, but that doesn't seem to be enough to warrant a blog about vegan-ism. It's about time that my writings branch out to include a little more of my life, rather than focusing mainly on what I'm stuffing into my face.
So, without further ado, let's begin!
I've been stuck with "artist's block" for the past month or so, and it's getting to be a pain. I can sit in front of a blank canvas for an hour, and end up putting it back up against the wall, void of even a single pencil stroke. I'm really unsure what to do in this case. I just hope that once my crazy month is done at work, I'll be able to relax and let the imagination flow back out through the paint. Saturday night I attended an event put on by Monika Blichar at My Chef, just off of Main and Kingsway. The place had a great vibe to it, which was further enhanced by the live paintings of Monica and Sarazen Brooks. It's always fascinating to see a painting start to emerge out of what was once nothing. They were each working on one of two canvases that would eventually be put side by side as one piece, and it was great to see how the different styles and interpretations of the subject. They had great wine, and great samples of their menu for $2 each. To top of the great event, I won a gift certificate to L'Atelier Hair Boutique, with which I'm not sure exactly what I'll do yet. I'm one of those never-change-my-hairstyle kind of people, so maybe I'll use this as a chance to change things up for summer.
Saturday during the day I went out an supported the local Vancouver Rowing Club Ruby team, who played Richmond at King George park. There is something about being out in the sunshine, watching a bunch of guys running around with a ball that just makes me feel like summer is just around the corner. After many MANY questions to my oh-so-patient other half, I am starting to understand the game. After 90 minutes of sitting at the edge of my seat, the Rowers pulled in another victory. One guy broke his nose, and I was close enough to hear the crunch as the team medic pushed it back into place. I also witnessed two gashed foreheads, a couple of sprained ankles, and numerous other wounds being taped up or iced. Boys are weird.
Sunday I headed to the underground garage and woke up my beautiful bike from a 5 month hibernation. She was a little dusty and low on air, but still brought a huge smile to my face. I forgot how much I missed the feeling of riding! An hour later, after some air and some tuning up, she was reading to go. After a game of basketball (which I gave full effort to, but still managed to lose), we took our bikes out for a ride, and it was amazing. Summer is just around the corner people!
Oh, and my personal favourite: magnolia trees are just starting to bloom - enjoy them!!
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